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Tincture of bear bile 100

$27 USD. per 1 Pcs. (retail)
Packing: 100 ml

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Nutritional value of the product per 100 g: ursodeoxycholic acid
Production region: Kirov region

The tincture of bear bile 100 ml is one of the best remedies from non-traditional medicine. Bear bile contains a lot of vitamins and amino acids that are good for human health.

We offer pure bear bile extract which is useful for easing the pain and reducing inflammatory. This remedy helps to strengthen your immune system which is especially actual during the pandemic.

The tincture helps to improve the digestive system’s work and to ease joint pain. Some people apply it to the skin to get rid of acne and dermatological diseases.

Bear bile is an effective remedy against numerous chronical diseases, it helps to get rid of weakness, to make your body stronger and to get some energy.

How to use this tincture?

Take one tea spoon 2-3 times per day during or after eating. Take this remedy for three weeks. You will notice the first improvements in several days already.


Don’t take the tincture if you have high sensitivity to bear bile. It’s not recommended to take the remedy during pregnancy and lactation.

You can buy pure bear bile 100 ml in our shop. We offer natural things from special farms, bear bile is gotten absolutely legally there.

The legality of the extraction and sale of this product is confirmed by the following information:

Place of acquisition or collection: Kirov region

The products we offer do not belong to products obtained from species and populations that are rare, listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation or the Red Data Books of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The activities of our company are aimed at ensuring the rational and sustainable use of renewable biological resources, maintaining the socio-cultural foundations of traditional types of environmental management, developing the local economy and sustainable development of rural and taiga territories, and at strengthening food security in Russia.