3.8 5

Powder from deer antlers, pack of 20 pcs

$62.23 USD. per 1 Pcs. (wholesale from 11 Pcs.)
$67 USD. per 1 Pcs. (retail)
Packing: 20 pcs

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price per 1 Pcs.
Recipe book as a gift to order
We give 200 rubles for the first order
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Production region: Kostroma region
Декларации и Сертификаты: ПИ: Порошок из пантов оленя - Костромской
Дата добычи: 12.12.2023

Antlers maral capsules is a dry extract that contains the unique set of healthy components for your body. If you want to buy this supplement from the Russian manufacturer, call or write our specialists, we will tell you about this remedy, its price and delivery.

When are Antlers maral capsules helpful?

  • It improves your cardiovascular system, normalizes your blood pressure and increase hemoglobin which is good for your tonus and energy.
  • It’s a natural and safe antidepressant that reduces anxiety and improves your mood.
  • The capsules are good for your digestive system which is actual if you are far from following healthy and nutritious diet.
  • This is good for male and female reproductive system. The capsules normalize periods and improves erections.
  • The remedy strengthens the immune system and makes your body more resistant and stronger.

How to take Antlers maral capsules?

Take one capsule three times per day before eating. Take it for 30 days at least to get the effect.

The contraindications include pregnancy and lactation, allergy and the age under 12 years old. If you have some chronical diseases, consult with a doctor before buying this supplement.

The legality of the extraction and sale of this product is confirmed by the following information:

Place of acquisition or collection: Kostroma region

The products we offer do not belong to products obtained from species and populations that are rare, listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation or the Red Data Books of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The activities of our company are aimed at ensuring the rational and sustainable use of renewable biological resources, maintaining the socio-cultural foundations of traditional types of environmental management, developing the local economy and sustainable development of rural and taiga territories, and at strengthening food security in Russia.